The instructors really know their stuff when it comes to working with classes and individuals. TKO is not just a youth movement. At UTA I’ve discovered an inter-generational community. At 55 I’m not the oldest but I am respected by all. Thankfully, one of the articles of student commitment is “Be respectful to your elders.” It feels good to discipline my body and mind with the help of UTA instructors and fellow students. I’m glad I took the leap of faith and joined UTA. For me TKD has opened a new horizon of personal growth and relationships. At UTA I’ve found coaching, mentoring, training and a mat that feels really good on my bare feet!

This year, my classes were pleased to participate in the P.E. Teacher for the Day program with United TKD Academy of Chapel Hill/Carrboro. Shay and Mike came and worked their magic with my students. Their lessons were engaging and fully participatory and emphasized focus, respect and discipline. The children were mesmerized and thrilled to learn the hammer fist, blocks, and kicks. We hope to be a part of this excellent program for years to come.

When my son was 4. we learned that he had a delay in fine-motor skills and problems with coordination. He began training at United Tae Kwon Do a year ago. Today his occupational therapist recorded phenomenal progress between assessments in January and August 2007, which she attributes to frequent, intense training at United TKD.
In January he had the bilateral coordination skills of a boy who was 5 years and 5 months. At the end of August, he had the skills of a child who is 7 years and 11 months, according to her standardized assessment. He is 6 years 8 months old! We’ve also seen changes in confidence and resilience in day-to-day life.
Thanks to the staff and the many black and color belt teachers and students who help and encourage my son. You have given him a tremendous boost. Our family is very grateful.

Dear Master Partridge,
Just a quick note to say Thanks for making me feel so welcome at your school. It’s never easy making changes but I’ve really enjoyed taking classes and meeting new friends! Your school is truly “Top Notch” and I’m glad to be part of it. Thanks again!!!

Dear Master Partridge,
Thank you for being such a great, fun, cool, Master. TKD has been so much fun ever since I was a White Belt+ – now I’m almost a Black Belt. You don’t know how much I talk about you at school because you arc both so much fun! Thank you for being such a great master! Love always, your TKD student!

I went through a lot of behavioral problems with Jordan his first year of school and his teachers INSISTED that I put him on medicine. I didn’t want to go that route with him so a friend recommended your school to me and I am so very glad I checked into it. It has been one and one half years since I enrolled him, and not only has he made a 20011/o tum around with his attitude towards school, but also at home. He looks forward to your classes and learning new moves. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for all you both (and your team of leaders) have done for my son’s confidence level, and for being a positive role model in his life. from the bottom of my heart …THANK YOU!

I want to tell you how much you have helped me this year:
M is for being my Master
A is for agreeing to teach me
S is for making me stabilized
T is for training me
E is for expecting a lot from me
R is for always being rightP is for not only teaching me. but other people
A is for assisting me when I needed assistance
R is for resisting kicking me out
T is for taking your time with me
R is for remembering when I do good
I is for your interest in how I’m doing
0 is for disciplining me
G is for the good times we’ve had
Eis for being an excellent teacher

Dear Master Partridge,
I just wanted to thank you for all the work you are doing with Julia. She is loving your class and gaining not only Tae Kwon Do skills but probably more importantly, life lessons that will stay with her. Your support and positively towards her are great. You are an extremely gifted teacher.
I feel like I can truly say that because – although I am a concert pianist – doing only performing and recording now, for 20 years I was a teacher. The last 10 years, as a professor in the music department at Wake Forest . So,
I’ve seen a ton of teachers- in all fields- some good. many bad – for few truly exceptional ones. You, Master Partridge, are one of those! So. we know what an honor it is for Julia to be in your studio. You have a completely natural gift -combine that with your personal talent at Tae Kwon Do and your desire to do some good- and you are truly a master. Thanks again for all you’re doing for Julia. It is a pleasure to watch you work.

Dear United TKD Academy,Our family is so happy with the progress our children have made at your facility. We signed our daughter and son up for completely different reasons. We wanted our daughter. who is very petite. to gain more strength, speed and confidence in her physical abilities and we wanted our son to have better control and focus as he prepares to go into kindergarten. Today, less than three months after they started, our daughter won the award at her school for the most improved student of the quarter in physical education and our son’s preschool teachers are pulling us aside and telling us that his focus has improved significantly.
We can’t thank United Tae Kwon Do Academy enough for helping our family achieve our very real and separate goals for our children in such a short period of time. You have exceeded our expectations!

It is a great help with his confidence as well as overall physical strength and condition. I also think the standards of respect and discipline required at UTA provide a very useful benchmark to point to in the rest of his life -not
that he snaps to me the way he does an instructor but rather the knowledge that there are situations where that is required, and that meeting high standards is not just something mom and dad want him to do but something
that is required and has its own rewards in the larger world.I really enjoyed the Belt ceremony and the power of support and accomplishment conveyed to all the students. A great thing for [my son] to be a part of.
Lastly I want you to know that we always feel good and comfortable at your school – I am not sure how else to express it, there is just a good feeling.

I have two sons enrolled at the Chapel Hill location as part of the after school program. All of the Staff and instructors are excellent. My boys love the TKO instructions. have made many friends and I can see growth in them physically, but also and most importantly in their confidence, discipline, focus. manners, respect and attitude. Not just when they are around me, but also when they around other children who may not be displaying these traits. I am glad the UTA is a part of our village!

Love the school, great instructors. Still going strong at 58!

I could not ask for a better role model for my son than Grand Master Partridge! He and his team are very special and have been a huge part in molding my son into the wonderful young man he is becoming. A young man with respect, good manners, confident, loyal, and who loves to help others. A young man who I know will impact this world in a positive way carrying forth the values taught to him at UTA!

My daughter absolutely loves it here. She is part of a family and community who really cares. They show it through honesty and support. As long as she loves TKO. we want her to come here.

Great team. professional staff, safe and educational environment, the best place for entire family.

This school is considered by the TKD community in the southeast as one of the top schools for having top quality TKD students.

Love it! UTA is more than just a martial arts school. Master Partridge is like a second father to my son. He is constantly offering helpful support and advice to my son. My son admires Master P greatty and wor11:s hard to live up to his standards. 5 stars

My daughter has benefitted so much from UTA. They are a second family to us! Thank you guys.

The instructors are very skilled and do a great job of explaining techniques and encouraging hard wort.

Awesome school, great knowledgeable masters , GM Partridge trained a lot of masters for many years, he is an icon in the state of NC.

Grand Master Barry by far one of The Best Grand Masters that I have ever known, True Martial Artist Great Coach, True Friend!!!

Very professional, great attitude!