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What factors should I consider when selecting a Taekwondo school?
Class Schedule
- Look at the class schedule. Make sure classes are offered at times you are able to attend. Depending on the size of the school. there may be separate classes for beginner, inlem1ediate. and advanced, so consider that your class schedule may change as yoo advance.
- Choosing the right instructor is one of the most important things you should consider in your decision.
- The head instructor of the school should be knowledgeable, experienced, capable and most of all a good teacher.
- When looking for a Taekwondo instructor, observe the teaching style of several instructors.
- Look for an instructor that:
- Never tires of teaching.
- Never abdicates the role of instructor, even outside the dojang. Students. and the public in general. watch everything instructors do, both inside and outside the dojang. Good instructors always present themselves as the epitome of Taekwondo values.
- Teaches to the best of their ability and continually strive to improve their knowledge and skills. Good instructors constantly seek the latest teaching methods and Taekwondo techniques and then incorporate them into their instruction.
- Feels responsible for the welfare of their students. Good instructors encourage students to associate with their classmates and help students develop good contacts outside the dojang, such as professional services or business opportunities that may be beneficial to them.
- Maintains a formal relationship with their students and avoid social or personal familiarity. Instructors who have personal affairs with students lose student respect and may create uncontrollable situations or develop a dishonorable reputation.
- Never betrays a trust given in confidence. Good instructors always set a good example. They continuously work to earn the respect of their students and never take the respect for granted.
- Has the highest level of personal integrity. Good instructors are always honest and never attempt lo defraud students. They always make decisions based on what is best for their students and the dojang.
- Treats all students equally and show no favoritism. Good instructors ensure individual attention is distributed evenly amongst all students during a training session.They never strike or abuse students under any circumstances.
- Displays a quiet and calm demeanor. Good instructors never appear frustrated or temperamental, even when under duress or in pain.
- An instructor is merely a student of his or her students. A good instructor is guided by his or her students and is only as good as his other students.
Who Teaches
- Who leaches the classes? Does the head instructor teach most of the classes or does he or she only teach the advanced classes. If assistants teach beginner
classes, what are their qualifications and experience? Ensure you watch classes taught by the person who will be teaching your class. And who will you be spending most of your class time with?
- One of the most important aspects of selecting a martial arts school to train at is the location. A school’s proximity to your home or work should be taken into consideration prior to signing up. Most students attend a class within three miles of their home. II the school is a short distance from your home, there is a greater chance that you or your child will be able to attend classes regularly. Although an hour commute to class might not seem too bad at first, keep in mind that you will be making that drive two-to-three times a week for the next several years. While location alone is not the most important factor in selecting a school, it is the factor most likely to affect your ability lo regularly attend classes and the likelihood of your attending classes for the long term. Find a school that fits your needs, but is also within an acceptable driving distance.
- Take notice of the school atmosphere, the attitudes of the students and instructors. Are they friendly and respectful toward one another? Do they appear lo be having fun while free-sparring or do they show irritation and anger? Does the instructor appear to enjoy teaching? Are there an unreasonable number of injuries in
class caused by a lack of control? Overall, does it seem like a place you would like to spend 3 to 4 nights a week for the next several years?
If you see students engaging in sparring and smiling and laughing at the same time, there is too much sport involved and not enough serious training. If they never smile, then they are loo serious and probably not having fun. If everyone laughs and talks all the lime, the school is mostly a social gathering, not a serious Taekwondo dojang.
- Schools vary in the type of equipment and amenities they offer. Some are large and modem, and provide weight-training equipment, showers and lockers, while others do not. Remember, students are paying for these extras. It is up to you to decide what is most important and necessary for your training. All schools should offer basic comforts, adequate equipment and learning essentials. Depending on your location, air conditioning may be a must. A pretty school is not necessarily a highly functional school, and vice versa.
Quality of Students
- The quality of instruction in a dojang may be judged by the quality of the students. Do the students appear to:
- Enjoy their training at all belt levels?
- Act friendly with each other during and after class?
- Show respect for each other, the instructors, visitors, and the art of Taekwondo?
- Price is a strong factor in any purchasing decision. While price is important, you should also consider value. Does lhe school have a large amount of fixed costs
such as an overly large facility or amenities that do not add value directly lo your training, such as an aerobics room, or large meeting rooms? While these items may be “nice”, they inflate the amount of tuition charged unnecessarily.
General Fit
- Lastly, you should explore lhe school for its general fil with your needs and your comfort level with the school. Are the students friendly and helpful to other students? Does the instructor’s style of teaching seem like one you’d be comfortable with? Is ii what you are looking for?
Jenn Vogler2022-01-24T16:45:36-05:00
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